Monday, May 2, 2016

3rd Times A Charm

Each year at Coram Deo they host a science fair.  Lainey has worked hard on her project in previous years, but this year she was extra determined to place in the top 3.  Her question was which gluten free flour makes the best chocolate chip cookie?  My doctor recently ordered that I need to be on a gluten free diet based on a sensitivity that I didn't know I had.  Lainey and I have been experimenting with gluten free baking so this was a perfect project for her.  She chose three different gluten free flours and we baked the cookies and she judged which one was best.  It was quite a process but in the end was a great project.  I was nervous for her because I knew how badly she wanted to place in the top 3 but just encouraged her to speak with confidence during her interview with the judge and do her best.  She practiced a lot and it paid off because she placed 3rd out of 18 projects.  I was so proud of her effort and happy for her that she had some success.  I love seeing my kids put their mind to something and work hard at it.  The outcome isn't always a trophy but the lesson is always valuable.  

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