Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bring on the Summer

This time last year I was the size of a small whale waiting for Cooper to arrive. I spent most of my day parked on the couch resting and checking my blood sugar every few hours. All I can say is thank the Lord those days are over! We are about to live life to it's fullest this summer. We've had our last day of pre-school and said our goodbyes to sweet classmates and great teachers.
I tagged along with Jamie to Texas while he attended a conference. I had such a relaxing week and am all geared up for a great summer with the kids. I started a mental bucket list for the summer so here goes...
# 1 Plant a garden
# 2 Swim!
# 3 Lay on a blanket in the front yard and enjoy the breeze. Or if you are Coop, climb all over daddy while making little old man faces : )
#4 Get a bike trailer for the kids and ride ride ride
# 5 Play kickball in the driveway (barefoot)
All I can say is this is going to be a great summer!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The times are a changin

As I watched Cooper this morning pulling every book off of my bookshelf, I couldn't help but laugh and think that the sweet baby days are over. This boy is officially into everything. He's been crawling about a month now and wants to get his hands on anything he sees. I'm amused by his curiosity because there is such an aggression to it. When Cooper gets a book in his hands he immediately starts hitting it like a drum. He bangs toys together trying to make each noise louder than the last. Let's just say that I now understand what my friend's were telling me about little boys. Lainey had her moments as a toddler but overall her exploration of things was just plain dainty. She would touch things with one finger and wasn't very interested in the decorations around the house. She just kind of left things the way the were. Not so with my little man. The house is in serious need of another round of baby proofing...and though he keeps me on my toes, I wouldn't trade this rough and tough little boy for anything.