Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Not enough sleep = not enough brain cells = no cute title

Just a quick update so you can see this handsome little boy!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Super Cooper!

Today, June 14th at 11:34, Cooper James O'Dell entered this crazy world at a whopping 9lbs 5oz. and 21 inches long. Nikki and Cooper are both doing well and Lainey and Daddy aren't doing too bad either!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

One last update

Have you ever had one of those moments when you walk by a window and see your reflection and can't believe it's you? This picture is that moment for me! But, I am happy, no thrilled actually, to say that we are nearly done. If all goes according to plan, Cooper will be born on Monday, June 14th via c-section. I have treasured many moments of this pregnancy but am planning to treasure even more snuggling my little guy on Monday and being able to see my feet again! Thanks to everyone for your prayers. Hopefully the next post you will see will be of a handsome little Cooper James.

One Last Busy Weekend...for a while anyway

Lainey was a busy girl last weekend. She took a siblings class at the hospital where Cooper will be born next week. Lainey called it her big sister class and is so excited to meet little Cooper. She hugs and kisses my belly several times a day and tells him good night before going to bed. Melts my heart every time. I know the sibling rivlary will come, but for now I am enjoying the love. Learning to hold the baby's head
Helping change a diaper
The picture she made for Cooper's hospital bassinet
Part two of our busy weekend was her first t-ball game. I absolutely loved this. It was great to watch daddy and the other parents help coach eight little 3 year olds learn the basics of the game.
I'm not sure if she liked hitting the ball or running the bases more. She loved it all.
Daddy trying to explain the concept of running to 2nd base once the ball is hit. It was so funny to watch because the kids would just take off running. Sometimes touching the bases and sometimes going wherever their little hearts desired...including the complete opposite direction. Too cute!
She looks a little scared in this picture...but don't let it mislead you. The girl has a swing!
Love this face. This one made daddy proud because her eye is on the ball.