Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Little Calm in the Craziness

These pictures were taken a few days before we unknowingly jumped on a roller coaster. What a ride we've had the past few weeks. It began with a move to our new home, included an emergency appendectomy for Jamie, and ended (I hope) with a hospitalization for Lainey due to pneumonia. I, for one, am hoping to jump off the ride for the time being! The baby and I are hanging in there...trying to catch up on some lost sleep and praying for a few months of calm (and no more hospitals) before little Cooper makes his debut in June. What is that expression...something about when it rains, it pours!
Thought you might enjoy some pics. of our almost 3 year old...who is like a little fish in the water! This is our YMCA and Lainey would go to the pool every day if it were possible.