Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy

If I am completely honest, then I have to admit that my world is a little miserable right now. Not sleeping very well, not a lot of energy, heartburn, and trying so hard to keep up with my energetic 3 year old without her knowing that mommy really just wants to take a nap! So, I began thinking about all the wonderful things in my life rather than the difficult and felt a blog coming on. I have so much to be thankful for.

In just a few short weeks, my little girl will be a big sister and I will be mommy to a baby boy. I can't wait to watch them grow up together. My siblings are still one of the greatest joys in my life and I am thrilled that Lainey and Cooper will share this bond as well.

For Mother's Day, my sweet husband sent me the most beautiful tulips with a card from both of my little ones. So fun to see their names together.

Seth came for a visit last week and helped Jamie teach Lainey how to play baseball. It was so fun to watch her learn and really love it. O'Fallon has tee-ball for 3 year olds so we signed her up. Can't wait to watch her play with a little team!

We read books every night before bed and for some reason Lainey has started to perch herself on Jamie's shoulder when he reads. She giggles the whole time and it just cracks me up!

Surprise pictures in the mail from our Georgia cousins, Jules and Ava

Lunch picnics with daddy at the park

My artist husband painting the cutest sail boat pictures for Cooper's room

Lainey planting flowers with my mom

Sweet friends at church who gave me a baby shower

My mom and sister who planned a baby shower for me in Excelsior Springs

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Mini Vacation

A few weeks ago, I started dreaming of beautiful, sunny beaches and exotic locations for some time away. Of course, no location of this type exists within a few hours of my doctor and hospital, so guess where we ended up? The Las Vegas of the midwest and the heart of the Bible belt...you guessed it...Branson! Now I know it's not the Caribbean but we really had a wonderful time. I think just being out of normal routine and having some quality family time is good no matter where you are.
Lainey was thrilled with the hotel's indoor pool. She would have spent the entire time swimming if that were possible. Daddy was great to do this with her because this is one pregnant lady who will not be caught dead in a swimming suit!
Jamie and I have both been to Branson several times as kids and adults. Neither of us had ever ridden the Ducks (can you believe it?) We decided it was time. It was actually really fun and I had to laugh to myself as I could hear my brother Chad in my ear saying,
"Now this is good America!"
A view of Table Rock Lake My brave 3 year old who raised her hand to volunteer to drive the Duck.
Our afternoon at the Butterfly Palace
One of my favorite pictures
Lainey looking closely at an azure butterfly (which I think might be dead because another child stepped on it...yikes! Thankfully she was unaware.) She has become quite a fan of butterflies thanks to her newest favorite book, Fancy Nancy Bonjour Butterfly.
Loading up for the drive home.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm thinking of writing a book...

called Things You Should Never Say to a Pregnant Woman. I am quite convinced that it would be a best seller as so many well meaning passers by seem to have difficulty knowing when to simply smile and keep on walking. Let me give you a few examples.
"Are you sure you aren't having twins?"
"You must be due any day now, looks like you are about to pop!"
"Are you having twins?"
"Wow, you look really uncomfortable."
"I thought when you blossomed that you REALLY blossomed."
"Are you sure you aren't having twins?"
I honestly just have to smile and laugh along as I tell them that I still have 5-6 weeks to go and that we know from the multiple ultra sounds we've had that there is just ONE strong, little man growing. I've learned a valuable lesson from this pregnancy. When I see a pregnant woman (though she may be the size of a small whale) I smile and tell her how beautiful she looks and wish her well. Perhaps a book could help educate the rest of the world!
Now, because I am feeling brave, I will post pictures of my ever growing baby belly and give you a pregnancy update. I am almost 34 weeks along and my belly continues to measure 4-6 weeks ahead. After my appointment yesterday, my doctor is convinced we will be greeting at least a 10 pound baby boy next month. I am going for another ultra sound to monitor his weight and measurements next week. I love this because I get to see his little face again. After we know his approximate size then we will decide if we will go for a natural delivery, be induced, or schedule a c-section. I am ready to have a plan (those of you who know me are not surprised by this!) and can't wait to meet this little guy who just might one day be an NFL lineman!
28 weeks along Almost 31 weeks 33 weeks along