This is likely going to be the most random post I have ever done so I am going with a bullet point format to give you a quick update of our goings on.
*Cooper had his 5 month check up yesterday. He weighs 17 lbs. 11 oz. (85th %) and is 27 1/2 in. long (90th %). We are about to begin rice cereal. Post to come!
*Lainey is learning the fruit of the spirit and can quote each of them from Galations 5:22-23. We do a behavior chart each day where she earns stickers when she shows any of the fruits. Funny thing is she was riding with her daddy today and didn't hesitate to tell him, "no daddy, you must be patient" as he reacted to a driver who cut him off : )
* I nearly lost my mind yesterday after a long day with the kiddos and soothed myself with some retail therapy last night.
* It is November and today we went to the zoo in short sleeves. A glorious 75 degrees!
* Cooper strongly dislikes his car seat. Cries almost every time I put him in it. Makes for some interesting car rides.
* I have given up on trying to have a clean house all the time. It's a losing battle at this point in my life. I'm not sure when or how it happened but I woke up one day to a 3 year old that turned into a tornado! Jamie has instituted a no toy policy in mommy and daddy's bedroom so that we can walk at night.
* Cooper has two of the cutest, little teeth you have ever seen and is becoming an expert roller. Tummy to back and back to tummy.
* I am studying the book of Revelation on Tuesday mornings at our church. It's a Beth Moore study and has been challenging and a little overwhelming. Thankful for the group of ladies studying it with me that I can ask lots of questions. Funny how the message of the Bible is so simple, yet SO complex. I've never heard so many different interpretations of scripture from the various scholars. I would highly recommend the study if you have a chance to take it. It's called Here and Now, Then and There.
* Jamie is hard at work making Cooper a rocking horse for Christmas. Love that man.
* We made a quick trip to Excelsior Springs last weekend for our nephew Aiden's first birthday party. So fun to see Jamie's family. Very rough car ride with little Coop.
Enough of my randomness!