Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of Creation Corner

What a big day for our girl. Our church has a Christian School complete with a preschool called Creation Corner. Lainey is attending there one day per week this year. Lainey was thrilled this morning to see all the kids and walked calmly into her classroom and began playing with dolls. Mommy was trying to hold it together asking myself, "why am I doing this?"
Jamie and I peeked in the window to make sure she was doing ok for quite some time and I managed to pull it together when I saw she was doing so well.
I am seeing clients one day a week and was happy to have this option for Lainey to be in the same building as Jamie spending time with new friends. It was also wonderful to receive cell phone pictures of she and her classmates throughout the day from my sweet husband who was teased relentlessly for being outside her door a little too much!
At the end of the day her teachers reported that Lainey was born for preschool. She was a great student and participated in all of their activities which made her mommy so proud. Way to go baby girl!

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